Mr. Miyagi GGBF02
9 months old · Applications Closed
Considering adopting? The first step is to complete our online Adoption Application. Mr Miyagi is a lucky boy; he originally was part of a feral colony in Okanogan County and was brought to the Greater Good Big Fix there this past autumn; he came in with a large group, suffering from a moderate upper respiratory injection, and the plan was to neuter, vaccinate, and release him the same day. That day just happened to be when two volunteers from Forget Me Not Animal Shelter's board of directors were helping out at Big Fix to learn all about how mass spay/neuter events are organized (and, if you ever have the chance to volunteer at one of these events, DO IT. It was amazing). Mr Miyagi looked at our volunteers... our volunteers looked at Mr Miyagi... and COME ON, those eyes, that nose, how could we say no? Mr Miyagi became part of the Forget Me Not family that day thanks to the Greater Good staff and his original colony's caretaker, and we have nursed him through his upper respiratory infection. We also discovered that he has some food sensitivities causing digestive difficulties, so he is currently eating Royal Canin Veterinary Diet gastrointestinal kitten food, with the hope that as his system matures he can be transitioned to a less costly sensitive stomach diet, such as Purina One Sensitive Skin and Stomach. With the proper diet helping his digestion, and his upper respiratory infection in remission, he is finally ready to join a family, and we know he is going to make someone very happy. His estimated birthdate is 5/15/24, so he's going to turn a year old in May. All pets arrive spayed/neutered, dewormed, microchipped and vaccinated. Adoption fee for Mr. Miyagi is a suggested minimum of $50 (more gratefully accepted). All pets are placed with a 30-day money-back trial period, to give pet and family enough time to discover any unknown allergies or other conflicts. Can't come to Republic? Don't let that stop you! We have monthly transports to the Seattle area, delivering adopted pets to their new owners. If you can add a little to your donation to help us cover our volunteer driver's expenses, that would be great!
Please do not call the shelter; do the application first.