
I want to say "thank you" Sherman is doing well. He loves our house. He loves the back yard area too. He loves to go on walks. He is adjusting to the cats. It will take a few more days to adjust but so far they are keeping there space. Actually Sherman stays away from one of our cats. Pretty funny to watch.

As I am typing this Sherman & Rasta the cat are about 3 feet from each other. They are just looking at each other.
Rasta is or was my son's cat. He is the scaredy cat in the family. But the funny thing is...Sherman is scared of the cat. lol
Anyway, thank you so much for all you have done for us to adopt Sherman. On Saturday on the way home
from picking Sherman up. My husband gave Sherman a ball & then he sticks his head out the window (the window was down a little bit) what does Sherman do? drops the ball out the window. lol Good thing I got some tennis balls at home.
On Friday I went & got a huge doggie bed for Sherman. Rasta is the first to lay on it. Enclosed are some pictures.