7/30/16 pt 2:
So far so good. It must be Lummi’s silent cues. I can actually pet both of them while they’re standing next to each other (touching). We’re making progress. Hee hee The worst that we have seen so far is that she paws (scratches) at you for attention and she whines when we get ready to go for a walk. She’s reminding us that she gets too as if we’d forget her. She does like to lay in the middle of the kitchen while we fix their meals. During our dinner, she just lays quietly at our feet. She normally follows us (Lea) around the house unless she is fast asleep under the table.
Oh, Lummi has started teaching her to chase and bark at the backyard squirrels. Oh boy! They are starting to play a little bit with each other (just kinda feeling each other out). We’ll have to get that on camera. Lummi won’t admit it but we think he’s starting to enjoy her company. :)
Lummi has a new friend! His mom & dad came back to Forget Me Not and adopted Sadie Mae, another Sammi Fund cattle dog.
Wow, it’s been a week already. Sadie Mae has settled in quite nicely. She was a bit wired the first night and we wondered if we were going to have to crate her to get her to calm down enough to go to sleep. She eventually settled down and things have been going well ever since. Her go to place is under the dining room table (under the bench). She hasn’t been allowed to sleep on the bed but has found her way to the living room couch during the night. Lol. I think we’re may end up compromising but we’ll just have to see. We are encouraging her to sit for her attention and praise rather than the pawing up on your shoulders and/or groveling on the floor. She is doing better. I think Lummi’s calmness is helping her (and her sociability is helping him). She’s definitely a mama’s girl too. She follows Lea everywhere. We’ve left them both home several times without a hitch. She sleeps just about as much as he does so we don’t anticipate workdays being a problem.
We really enjoyed coming up to visit you all and it was nice to bring Lummi too. We got to see his old home, even if he didn’t acknowledge it. We wish he would have been more receptive of his shelter friends but he must be a one person (family) dog. He and Sadie are getting along better each day. IE. He doesn’t immediately run for cover (under the bed) in the guest room like the first day. We’ve had to reassure him that he isn’t getting replaced and we think he is opening his heart (ok, tolerating) his new family member. We both discussed how old she makes him look. We’re definitely glad we adopted her. She helps us appreciate him even more! It’s funny seeing how similar (as cattle dogs) and different (as individuals) that they are. We couldn’t have picked a better fit for our family and we thank you all again for everything that you do!
Pics: Sadie & Lummi, Sadie & Lummi exploring the backyard (and see Sadie Mae's 2016 followup for more pics of her!)
We always follow your website now and we’re so happy that Rose and Sophia have found potential adopters. We told Lummi that he may need to share the house because we couldn’t bear to see those adorable girls go without a home. They just look so sweet and their story is so sad. We would like to adopt a senior female cattle dog sometime in the future. We’re all doing great here. Lummi even dropped a pound so far. It looks like it’s going to be a long road but we’ll continue at it. He’s obedience is coming along slowly but more importantly he is learning to play with toys and retrieve. He looks so funny bounding after the toy. When we get a chance we’ll make a video and send it over to you.
Well we’ve gone the 30 days and it looks like Mr. Lummi has decided that he’d like to stay. We were glad to see that his adoption status finally changed on the Old Dog Haven website. Things could not have gone smoother. We couldn’t have asked for a better match! We’re learning more and more about each other each day. He appears to be familiar with riding shotgun in a truck because he kept looking up at our truck today so I put him up in the cab and he immediately laid down on the bench seat like it was a couch. He has let it be known that he sees himself as an ‘inside dog’ (like you said) and we have obliged. He does great by himself during the week, mostly just sleeps in his bedroom (our computer room). We put his bed in there and he couldn’t be happier. On the weekends, we spend all our time together as a family. He never seems to get enough ‘pets’ but we have to tell him that’s enough because our arms are tired. He is such a character. At times, it feels like we’ve raised him from a baby. His previous owner must have been a very special person with a huge heart because he is such a lover. We’re sad that he had to leave them but thankful for everyone involved that he came to live with us. We will definitely keep in touch. Thank you all for what you do!
He is slowly getting more comfortable but he still prefers to sleep in the living room (by himself) rather than come down the hall to our bedroom. We've encouraged him to come but he returns to where he's comfortable. We're letting him acclimate at his pace although we were initially disappointed. It's a learning process for everyone.
We've started walks with him and have encouraged activity in the backyard. His favorite thing to do is to chase the squirrels up the trees. They were put on notice as soon as we let him in the backyard. I'm not sure he's moved that fast in a while.
Yesterday we were able to see his curmudgeonly side as my brother came to visit and we did an introduction. We had him feed Lummi then he tried to pet him. Lummi gave his nippy little 'I'm not interested' snap. I was near Lummi at the time so it was exactly like you described earlier. We all settled into our seats (in the living room) and we encouraged my brother to feed him whenever he came close. He eventually was able to break the ice (maybe he needs to receive a specific number of treats first lol) and before we knew it, Lummi had a new best friend whom he couldn't get enough attention and/or scratches from. We have a better understanding of that now and will let him meet people at his own pace.
We've also discovered that he has a 'purr' about him when he's getting attention. At first we didn't know if he was warning us but we've since learned that it's his happy sound. Here are a few pics from our first few days. We'll keep you posted on how he's doing and of course we'll give him some extra hugs for all his friends back at the shelter.