First off, this kitten is little but you'd never know it. He. Is. Fearless! Nothing about moving into an unfamiliar place has fazed him in the slightest. Tore took one look at our cat Tyr and decided that Tyr is the best interactive cat toy ever invented. These two play like they have always been together, which has surprised even me. When they are done playing, Tyr grooms Tore to sleep and then naps himself. My husband and I now go to sleep with two kittehs planted somewhere on us and wake up with the kitten under one or the others chin. So fricken cute! Tore is eating with gusto, gaining weight, is over his little cold issue and uses his litter box like a champ. His first mini kitty bath and toe nail clipping went great too, however, we got a shock this afternoon when we watched him perch on the toilet seat and wee into the toilet. HOLY COW BATMAN!!! What the heck!!?? Did his foster-mom teach him that?? If he does it again I'll send you a picture. Anyway, our little man Tore is asleep under my chin as I write this and Tyr is sleeping on my stomach. We couldn't be happier with our new little fur-kidlet and want to thank you again for all your wonderful work at Forget-me-not Shelter.
Tore is napping under my chin right now and I'm going to sit here and try to figure out how to attach some photos for you. My gosh he is such an affectionate little cutie pie and he has quite stolen our hearts. The fellas usually have three or four play sessions a day. I'll watch as Tyr chases Tore thru the house and then Tore will chase Tyr all over, thru, under and over everything in our house. It's hilarious to see this little kitten giving as good as he gets. I've actually been surprised at how gentle and generous Tyr has been, especially at feeding time and really surprised to watch Tyr groom the kitten all over. Did I tell you that they are sleeping snuggled up together at night? Tore finished his medicine, is putting on weight and took to his new litter box and toys like a champ. He is a wonderful addition to our family and I can't thank you enough.
Here are just a few photos, I especially like the one of both the fellas snoozing on the warm pile of laundry. I only left the room for a minute and when I came back I didn't have the heart to shoo them off and grabbed my phone instead.
Wanted to let you know that Tore is, at this moment, sleeping nestled under my husbands chin and even though he is asleep, he is still purring. So as predicted, anywhere on my husband person is now Tore's favorite location. Meanwhile, Tyr is sound asleep on my lap and Lily is sleeping on her pillow next to our bed. So all is quiet on the north bend front. At least until someone wakes up! Haha! Again, Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication. Tore is going to have a terrific life and we will all be even happier now that he is here.