
Well Sassy, is so much different than Sami of course.  She still hisses and growls at him and whenever he is around, she gets very tense, her entire body tenses up and she gets very agitated, and growly, and hissy.  I took her and Sami too the vet soon after she got here, and I actually put the two of them together in the carrier, that I have, and they were fine.   She was trying to cuddle up to him and no growling or hissing occurred.  Seems like the only time that this happens is when we are at home.  Now I have one other cat that I had adopted a week prior to picking Sassy up, but he ran out the door the same day, and now he is home for about two weeks, his name is Pika and he is a Russian Blue same age as Sassy, and they get along great.  So I am really confused as to what the problem is.  She did dig out the dirt of one of my potted plants and go potty in it, twice.  I have put plastic cling wrap over the dirt of the plant since then, and that hasnt occurred again.  She has a problem with using the kitty litter box, and especially when its covered, which I have a covered litter box for the smell, and for general view.  She has actually done some rather naughty things, since she has been here, but I don't think its something that can ever be avoided or expected.  I don't think that it would be necessary to return her, its just something that one learns to accept, and move on.

I will attach here some photos of her.