The photos start out when Gypsy arrived the first day (mauve comforter). She was very aware and nervous of the new sounds but went crazy purring and drooling after warming up to me within the hour. After establishing this room as her safe zone, she began exploring the house soon and now feels at home. The next photos have been taken periodically since then and she fits in with us so well. She likes to be inside a lot which has been a respite from the heat for her this summer. She enjoys being outdoors but mostly if we're within site if her. I think I have more photos in my phone of her than anything else--I love when she falls asleep on her back all splayed out, or when she falls asleep, all snugly, in my arms. She still has a chubby tummy but I think it's because she has a short body....I know thats my problem!!! One really cute thing we do together....I cut a 6' long, thin strip of t-shirt material. I run through the house and she chases me and the strip of cloth. Pitter patter go her feet. I love how playful she is. I've transferred her microchip info by the way. She is really part of my heart. Thanks for allowing me to adopt her.