
Tiffany is doing great!  She started coming downstairs (with the dogs) to sit on the sectional with me-last week.  She & Baby had some hissing/growling & are not besties-but, there is no real intent or attack from either.  They sniff, & give one another a wide berth but, can be in the same room without problem or concern.  Someone did pee on the bed the 1st day but, Tiffany now has her cat box without a lid & seems happier/fine. She eats, follows me, talks to me, snuggles @ night-I love her.  Ms Tiff knows her name, swats @ the dogs if they get in her face-she has settled right in. 

Tiffany is actually more 'demanding' of attention than I thought she would be-which is awesome!  She follows me 'chirping' & sits right next to me.  I love her creaky purr.  She has already decided that she should have the last bit of my yogurt each day. She was definitely loved by someone & has a wonderful demeanor. You know I'm nuts when I was actually disappointed that (my other cat) Baby refused 'bites'.  I know it's wrong but, I have always let the cats have a bit of yogurt or milk when I'm finished.