With a heavy heart I wanted to let you know our Snoopy passed away yesterday. She developed a tumor inside her mouth attaching to the lower jaw bone early this spring. She had been doing extremely well until Saturday when the tumor ruptured forcing us to make a heart wrenching decision.
We pet owners are very selfish trying everything humanly possible to keep our beloved pets with us not wanting to let them go.
Sorry about not getting back to you sooner. Snoopy is doing great. She's having to learn a few new rules. She's very smart & is quick to know what we want but keeps trying to do things her way. She's figured out she's not supposed to jump up on people & the bed/couch are off limits unless she's invited. Gets along well with the other two dogs. Has a problem w/ trying to rush the door when we open it & has knocked down our senior citizen a few times (his back end is pretty weak). She's finally realizing she'll have to wait her turn. She tried to run out the door past me & the other two dogs. Charged it pretty hard but didn't realize I hadn't opened the security screen door yet. Ran right into it. Did that one other time & now we tell her to wait & she does (sort of). She's really coming along.
Thought I would drop you a line letting you know Snoopy is doing great. She has taken over the house. We had a couple days where she would growl at Molly or Conner, but that has now stopped. I found her lying next to Conner this morning.
She has showed no signs of wandering off as I have given her free reign to roam the yard, she does her thing then wants back in. I discovered she gets up on the sofa after we go to bed and sleeps.
I put her in Conners run but she was not a happy camper with that arrangement, starting whimpering. It is a low run and fear she might try and jump it so I am keeping her in the house for now, until I purchase a taller one that will fit her and Conner.
Snoopy is learning how to be patient as she wants to be first when the others are being petted, she will barge in and move the others out of her way. There are signs of improvement. She is a good dog and wants to please. Listens and responds to commands really well. When I get a moment to take pictures we will forward some to you. Thank you again for letting her be a part of our family.