
BC (black cat) and OC (orange cat) are doing great. I have attached a pic of them. (I can't remember who was who but you have their records to figure it out, right)

Roger is great with them, as expected since he grew up having to fend for himself for so long and get along with pretty much everything, as you know. Sissy on the other hand is being difficult, also as expected since she's always been standoffish and "bitchy" even as a kitten. The fact that she's the only female, I'm sure doesn't help either. She just hates it when the kittens just stare at her, it's pretty humorous. She wants affection but doesn't know how to let go, if you know what I mean. Getting a purr out of her is like pulling teeth. Anyway, I'm sure they'll work it out eventually. Winter is coming and they'll all be in the same room to sleep so they'll have to learn to get along. They do sleep together in the living room during the day so I'm not worried.

We're so glad we got two. They are very different from any other cats we've had. OC is the most affectionate kitty! He can jump from the ground to my shoulder and does on a regular basis. It's not a problem if I'm wearing clothes that protect my skin, but if I'm in a sun top, etc it's another story. I'm glad I have a big bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide for all the scratches. BC just loves Michael and plays with his feet  especially while they're on the ottoman. He is affectionate too and loves to run in front of my feet when I'm walking so I have to stop and pet him or risk tripping on his stretched out body.

We give Roger and Sissy lots of attention too so they're not feeling neglected, like we could ever neglect them. :)

Our living room is cluttered with kittie toys, ribbons/string, toilet paper rolls, etc. you'd think we had children living here.

I only wish we had more room and funds to adopt more. I have to control myself when I see your posts on fb of new kitties and dogs. LOL