
Rocky is home safe and sound and he is PERFECT...even sweeter than we hoped. We are all in LOVE with our special boy.

He is so smart and aware of his surroundings...he knows he belongs here already. It's only 5am and I woke up thinking I would hear from him soon since he would not pee last night...too exciting...he peed on the floor once :) I am having a wonderful time just watching him sleep :) He is sleeping in his crate after only a few minutes of fussing last night (I was very temped to just let him sleep with me but resisted and he is happy in his crate with his cushy doggy mattress) Hannah and I are sleeping on the couch in the family room next to his crate for a few nights...or as long as he needs to feel safe and secure.

Will send you a report from our first day with Rocky later...and will try and get those darn photos working to send (same computer issues) Thank you for all your support with Rocky's adoption!