8/15/12: Beautiful Mini was lost to an owl earlier this year, so now Norman has Bella, his new Forget Me Not friend:

Mini is now on the Forget Me Not memorial page; she was a very happy and well-loved kitty.


I think they are getting the hang of their new home. Norman is exceptionally mellow. Mini has become surprisingly affectionate. She brought me a mouse a few minutes ago. Thanks for making their adoption possible.


Thought I would let you know how Jupiter and Minerva are doing. Their names have evolved into Norman and Mini. They are responding well to their names and the security of their new home.

We kept them in the downstairs bathroom/laundry at first. By Friday night, I managed to entice them out with a trail made of pieces of wild catnip and a feather toy. By Sunday morning, they were exploring on their own. We left the door open to the laundry/bath last night for the first time and they were well-behaved.

They are losing their timidity and becoming more affectionate every day.

Today I will bring the dogs in for the first time. They have seen, heard and smelled them through the open windows but no actual contact yet. Next weekend they will have their first visit to the great outdoors!

We are enjoying them immensely! Thanks for helping provide such a great service to the community.