
Suzy ( aka Kissy Sue) is doing great. When we adopted her you thought she may be afraid of men but she was instantly my HUSBAND's new best friend by her choice! He spends hours in his office everyday and she is his constant companion. When we adopted 2 boy puppies ( they were 7 week old brothers from Li 'l Waif Rescue) Kissy instantly took on the Mom role. She is the Matriarch of the family and the boys (now 4 .5 years old ) adore her and she them. We also added a stray injured kitty that I found on the road, and 2 more silver Persian kittens ( now 2.5 years old). I didn't plan on 4 cats but when the economy tanked and Petfinder list of pets skyrocketed we opened our home to more. No more for us for now as I do not want to have more than I can afford when they age! Kissy Sue is a happy, lucky girl and loved.

I am always happy to hear from you and torture myself often by checking my favorite rescues of which yours is one. I am so pleased we found her and she came home to us.…


Here we are a week later and Suzy (new name that fits her perfectly!) is a pound heavier and owns the house now. Her first trip to her new doctor went well. She is of course FelV neg/ FIV neg/ PKD neg. Her blood work was right on normal. Only thing is her knees. Persians are known for Hip Dysplasia and Knee Subluxations. She has subluxating knees - probably part genetic and part nutrition caused. We will go see kitty orthopod next month to see what he says. I doubt we will put her through surgery but we will definitely be dealing with arthritis issues in her future. We have built her some ramps to diminish the need to jump and have started her on glucosimine supplements. She is eating welll, playing well, and is looking forward to a dog or kitten friend. I think her attitude needs a huge dog that can hold it's own with her!…


She traveled beautifully. Didn't nap or eat but didn't hide in the carrier at all. She was exhausted when we arrived home cuz she just couldn't really fall asleep.

The meeting with my husband was a tearful one for him and she snuggled immediately to him. He carried her in the house and showed her around. We thought we would keep her in the laundry thinking she would be scared but no, she covered every inch of the house. Nervously looking everywhere and always keeping us in sight. She took every opportunity to through herself at our feet and give us the chance to rub her belly! What a slut! Not at all what I expected though it was obvious it was nervous energy.…