3/15/14 - All the "berry pup" owners got together for a PUPPY REUNION! See their photos and a video montage at http://forgetmenotshelter.org/Adopted/2014/Berry.html


Hard to believe it has been a week since we picked up our new pup.....We had named her Sadie.  Wednesday afternoon we had our first vet appt.....her toenails were soooo long!!!!  Instead of waiting until her next shot was due in Feb. they suggested a checkup to make sure she was healthy.....Her poop sample came back clean.  They said many dogs from a shelter have parasites.....thank you for taking such good care of your animals!!!  :)   She is in perfect health, weighing in at 13.2 pounds.  They got us mixed up with their next appointment.....also a dog named Sadie :(   With an apology he said it was a very popular name.....Right then and there I went back to one of the other names I also liked: Kylie.  :)  :)  :)  :)
We are soooooooooo lucky to have this little furry bundle of love.  I am wondering who rescued who.....she has the sweetest disposition.  Just wants to be held and such a snuggler.  Over the last week you could see her becoming more confident and comfortable with us.  She knows that we are a pack and this is our home  :)   Kylie has a crazy, happy, puppy side....loves to play!!  Very observant about everything around her....listens to the train whistle with her head cocked, watches the hummingbirds at the feeder and also loves the nature channel on TV!!!!!!  Some friends stopped by last Sunday to met the new pup, bringing her lots of toys.  This was very special to me....these were the people who dropped everything to come and be with Maddie and I the day I had to say goodbye to my big sweet yellow dog.  It was nice to share our joy with them......she was very happy and comfortable around everyone.
So our fourth time going through puppyhood...... still oops in the house!!  we are learning to pick up on her signals...one of us is always home so we take her out often.  This too shall pass.
Kim...thank you so much for choosing us to be with this pup.....and for screening people so carefully.  She is a delight....it feels good to smile and laugh.  I was soooooo sad after losing Maddie.  My heart had a big hole in it  :(     She was such a huge part of my life.  And I know that Kylie will be too......thank you for your follow-up letter.  I am planning to keep in touch with you through out her life...and also to support your shelter.
Thank you for what you do.....